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Video Art Installation


Elsa Gref, Flesh, May 2023, 0:02:26:00, immersive art exhibition.

Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 5.59.14 PM.png

Flesh is an immersive art installation centred around an experimental video projection. It was created for the Brébeuf Point d'Art exposition in May 2023, as my final interdisciplinary project.


As they entered, the visitors were submerged into an environment reminiscent of the video itself. The room was adorned with hanging distressed fabrics and warm red lighting. The video contains numerous blended clips as well as overwhelming visual effects. The work is a criticism of human behaviour, drawing parallels between man and the animal. The video aims to disturb with the extreme close-ups of distorted images, irregular rhythm, and experimental music.

Textiles and LEDs

Video made in Premiere Pro.

Elsa Gref, Flesh, May 2023, 0:02:26:00, 1086 × 590, video.

Video Art Installation


Elsa Gref & Emma Rose Berrou, Lost Dialogue, April 2023, 0:00:57:00, 1920 × 1080, stop-motion video.

This stop-motion projection made in collaboration with Emma Rose Berrou represents the disconnect in communication. Both want to be understood, but fail to listen. We took frames of each spoken word as the two attempted to communicate with each other. The overlapped opposing dialogues illustrate a failed conversation.

Photoshop, Procreate, and Premiere Pro

Photos by Emma Rose Berrou

Makeup by Emma Rose Berrou and Elsa Gref

Hair styling by Elsa Gref

Editing by Elsa Gref

Illustrations by Emma Rose Berrou

Video Art Installation


Elsa Gref, Fanée, January 2023, 0:00:01:07, 6” X 4”, stop-motion animation, GIF

Stop-motion GIF made for a school project.

It is a sketch that was warped and superimposed with pictures.


The GIF was projected along with Lost Dialogue for the Point d'Art exposition in may 2023.  

Photoshop and graphite.

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